5 steps to a healthy mouth

The asepsis early baby can avoid future problems like cavities and pain, injuries, gum infections , crossed bite, open or alterations in dental growth, in addition to promoting the habit of oral health from the beginning.

There are several recommendations to start with the cleaning and oral health of a child. For the specialist Laura Patricia García, specialist in pediatric dentistry , the five most important are:

1. Avoid sleeping your baby bottle, because this can deform him early teeth or the gum.

2. Do not share utensils such as spoons or glasses with your child because the cavities it is contagious. When you check the temperature of the bottle, avoid inserting it in your mouth.

3. Burn your teeth (from the first incisors to the last tooth) at least twice a day or after each meal.

4. Try to reduce the frequent consumption of sweets, juices, cookies, soft drinks or products with a lot of sugar. Keep in mind that the breastmilk it also contains glucose , therefore, natural water is a healthy substitute.

5. Attend every 6 months to review with a specialist to detect and prevent any alteration in the position of the teeth or infections in the gum.

Do not let your children live a childhood full of discomfort and oral pain. Remember that prevention begins at home and is at hand just for the time when your family needs it. "Perseverance is the engine of success." bojorge@teleton.org.mx

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Video Medicine: 5 steps to a healthy mouth intro (April 2024).