What sport to choose?

"For those cheeks you can see that he eats very well and that is why he is very healthy" is a phrase that grandmothers say when their grandchildren are "chubby"; however, the reality is that these children are far from being healthy.


One in three minors is overweight or obese, according to the ENational Survey of Health and Nutrition .

In reflecting on the vulnerability that children find themselves in this situation, studies point to poor nutrition and a life with scarce physical activity .

If a child watches television or is in front of the computer for long periods of time, the lack of movement prevents the consumption of energy and for that reason accumulates more fat in his body.

Studies abroad and in the country show that children who watch more than two hours of television, could earn between two or three kilos in a month.


It is important to motivate children to perform some physical activity, as it prevents overweight, increases the ability to react to any unexpected, strengthens the joints and prevents injuries in adulthood, "says the doctor Irma Pérez, specialist in Sports Medicine at UNAM .

The World Health Organization considers that childhood obesity is the first non-infectious epidemic of the 21st century and Mexico occupies the first place.

For the above, it is necessary that adults encourage to modify the habits of children with adequate food and practice some sport to avoid a sedentary lifestyle.


What sport to choose?

To begin, it is convenient to perform a morpho-functional evaluation to verify the current state of health and physical qualities of the child to perform the most appropriate exercise.

The Sports Medicine Directorate of the UNAM perform these tests to the general public that is really interested in their welfare.