1. Reduce the consumption of meat

after one heart surgery It will take three to six weeks for a full recovery and you begin to feel better. To make the process faster it is important that you know what foods you can eat.

In this time it may happen that you do not feel hungry and that certain foods do not "fall" well, this because of the surgery itself or the food you are taking. You need to make sure you eat enough calories and proteins to allow your body to heal and recover.

First you must eat small amounts of foods throughout the day, when the feeling of hunger returns it is important that you follow a diet healthy for your heart. We share some recommendations of the School of Medicine and Public Health .


1. Reduce the consumption of meat

Limit your daily intake to 0.17kg. Choose lean meats , and remove the parts with fat that remain; As for the chicken and turkey, do not swallow the skin. To cook them, choose bake them or roast them.


2. Eat milk

But it consumes dairy products low in fat , such as skim milk, Greek yogurt or cottage cheese.


3. Eat an egg

You are allowed to eat up to three yolks of egg per week, you can eat them at breakfast or supplement other meals.


4. Use more natural products

As the olive oil or canola, instead of normal oil. As well as low fat mayonnaise and low seasonings Trans fat for your salads.


5. Includes fish

The Omega 3 What fish offers is good for your heart. But try not to be too salty or smoked; your best options are the Salmon , tuna, herring and sardines


6. Limit the salt

At less than 3,000mg of Salt per day. To not exceed the dose pay attention to the labels of low-salt foods to verify the amounts, and limit your intake of processed foods .


7. Select healthy desserts

Eat snacks low in fat instead of fried, like blueberries. If you give yourself a "taste" eat small portions, and even better, make the fruits your favorite sandwiches

On the other hand, Spanish Heart Foundation , states that you must include at least five pieces of fruit a day, as well as a plate of vegetable or salad In addition to the consumption of 40 to 50 grams of nuts.

Video Medicine: Why Meat is the Best Worst Thing in the World ???? (April 2024).