Tumors disappear by protein

Jorge Torres, a Mexican scientist who conducts experiments against cancer In UCLA, it was found that by suppressing STARD9 protein, vital for the reproduction of cancer cells, they were able to disintegrate, which gives rise to the possibility of curing patients with this disease.

"These experiments will be carried out in stages, first they are done in cultures of cancer cells, then in mice and if they are effective, until then we apply them to humans (volunteers)," Torres told EFE, who estimates that within 5 or 10 years will be ready the treatment against some types of Cancer .

In this sense, the study carried out in collaboration with other scientists, seeks to stop the multiplication of the cells of this disease and initiate a new treatment that does not have severe side effects, nor harm other tissues of the body.

With the intention of knowing a little more about cancer cells, their mutation and spread, here at GetQoralHealth we present a video of ICJEEM about it:

According to information from the National Cancer Institute, one of the main causes of death of a patient due to Cancer is the metastasis , due to the ability of cells to multiply and spread to other tissues and organs.

Therefore, the importance of this finding will allow us to investigate other 592 types of proteins in cells, and find a way to eradicate this disease that affects more than 8 million people in the world, according to WHO figures.

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