Anorexia is reflected in your way of writing

Did you know that your writing completely reflects your personality and your emotions? This is very true, even when you're sick or suffer some eating disorder , as the anorexy , it can be detected through graphology.

The grafologist, María Fernanda Centeno Muñoz, He assures that many times the words are not congruent with what we think or do, but your sure letter will show you, because people write with the brain , without taking care of appearances, that is, "we are what we think".

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the specialist ensures that the graphology detect your mood, your personality and your health. For example, in the case of people suffering from anorexy It is very common to write with round letters, hooks, angles or with crosses in the form of writing.

It is normal for people who suffer anorexy reflect depression , guilt or self-abuse in his writing, as well as his intense fear of obesity or to the alteration of the body image.

María Fernanda says that to help people with eating disorders It is necessary to promote a change of thought, which can be done through decrees positive For example, when eating any food, you should think that it will nourish us, rather than that it will make us fat.

Also, it is recommended that the form of writing be thin and use the punctuation at the end of a sentence, to meet our objectives and be decisive. And you, do you like the way you write?

Video Medicine: 5 Ways to Heal from an Eating Disorder (May 2024).