There are more than 100 types of papillomavirus

They make up a group of more than 100 types of viruses, to which they belong human papilloma virus . Also called as papillomavirus . It is named because some types can cause papillomas or warts in people who suffer from it, which are benign tumors , that is, not cancerous.

Common warts caused by the HPV , usually grow on the hands and feet, are a type of warts different from those that cause tumors in the genital area. Some types of HPV are related to certain types of cancer , according to publications of the National Cancer Institute. This type of HPV is called high risk carcinogenic.

The genital infections caused by the human papillomavirus are frequent and are transmitted by unprotected sexual contact. Of the 100 types of viruses, more than 30 can be transmitted through sexual contact. This infection is usually asymptomatic, that is, it does not present symptoms when a person suffers it, and it can disappear without any treatment in a matter of years. The problem is that if the virus stays in the body for a long time it could cause cellular alterations and increase a woman's risk of suffering cervical cancer.

The genital warts They are usually caused by two types of HPV, HPV-6 and HPV-11. They can appear in your body a few weeks after sexual contact where the infection was acquired or it may take months, or even months, to appear. That is why regular check-ups should be done, such as the Pap test to make a early detection and timely if you have been infected.