Attention to serious burns

Burns are caused by heat (such as fire), damp heat (such as hot liquids and steam), chemicals, electricity, UV radiation (such as sun and snow), friction, radiation, and hot objects.

Among these, thermal burns are the most common and can be the result of contact with household appliances such as hot iron, stove, oven and flammable chemicals, such as insecticides.

Burns are classified as: First degree burns , which affect only the outer layer of the skin; second degree burns , which affect both the underlying and external skin and Third degree burns , which extend to the deepest tissues. Here, we will discuss first aid treatment for third-degree burns.

If the person is on fire, he must throw himself and roll. The first thing is to extinguish the flames with water or with objects such as a rug, blanket, or a cotton robe if the water is not available.

Severe or third-degree burns cause pain, swelling, blistering, peeling skin, burned skin, red skin, and shock. It is important to attend to these things immediately. Call the emergency number, which in Mexico City is the 066 , to request help.


While help arrives


  • Make sure the victim is no longer in contact with fire or heat and take her to a safe place where she can administer first aid.
  • Do not remove burned clothes from the skin
  • Check if the person is breathing. If breathing has stopped or if the airway is blocked, open an airway. Give CPR if necessary.
  • Do not clean the skin with cold water. Doing this could cause a download.
  • Cover the burned area with a sterile gauze or clean cloth without breaking the blisters, do not use adhesive dressings.
  • If possible, burned body parts should rise above the level of the heart. Raising the feet about 30 centimeters from the floor and covering the person with a coat or blanket can prevent shock. However, do not try to move it from the position that makes you feel comfortable.
  • Never apply any type of pressure or friction on the area of ​​the skin burn.
  • Stay with the person. Continue recording your vital signs until help arrives. Blood pressure, respiratory rate and pulse should be checked periodically.

Video Medicine: The Closest Feeling to Death that isn't Death (April 2024).