1. Do not sleep

For people who suffer overweight , the loss of only five to 10% of weight can completely improve your health. But getting off healthy requires time and effort, and making changes in the Lifestyle how to give up junk food.

And it is that according to a study of National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) , the people who ingest fast food more than twice a week earn more weight and they have twice the risk of increasing their resistance to insulin , a factor that causes type 2 diabetes .

In addition to junk or fast food, there are other things that you should give up to lose weight. We present some ideas based on the information of the University of Michigan , and the nutritionist Fiorella DiCarlo , member of theAcademy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) .


1. Do not sleep

The lack of dream is the number one culprit of your body throwing signals of hungry out of control, what affects dietary habits indicates DiCarlo. That is why you should sleep at least seven hours daily.


2. "Shock" diets

This type of subsistence allowance They are not healthy, but the worst thing is that they do not work. They cause the metabolism to slow down and in the end you will gain again all the weight that you have lowered, explains the nutritionist. Ideally, keep one feeding that includes vegetables, fruits and little meat.


3. Skip meals

The hunger hormone, ghrelin , and that of satiety, leptin , they work best when you feed yourself every four hours. If not, they get out of control and cause you to eat too much. DiCarlo advises that you plan your meals ahead of time, especially on the days that you will be most occupied.


4. Television

Spending a lot of time in front of the television or computer causes you to gain weight, as it encourages sedentary lifestyle and the accumulation of fat in the belly. The University of Michigan recommends that you limit your stay to only two hours a day and that you do more exercise .  


5. Eat fat-free foods

Fat is not the bad part of the movie. You need it to stay full and promote the satiety , if you eliminate it completely you avoid that your body gets the nutrients needed to work. Dairy products, for example, contain vitamins A, D and calcium, says DiCarlo.


6. Get drunk

The alcohol reduces inhibitions and therefore increases the habit of eating, says DiCarlo. To avoid a drunkenness, the ideal is not to consume it on an empty stomach, space the drinks and have sandwiches healthy to eat when the defenses are low.


7. Diet pills

The wonder products to reduce weight permanently do not exist. On the contrary, the suppressors of appetite , are associated with side effects such as nausea, anxiety , insomnia and high blood pressure, notes the University of Michigan.

To lose weight you have to burn more calories of which you eat. The University of Michigan explains that if you need to lose one pound per week, then you have to burn, or reduce your consumption by approximately 3,500kcal, that is, 500kcal per day.

Video Medicine: Last To Fall Asleep Wins $10,000 - Challenge (April 2024).