What is obesity?

The majority of women tend to climb weight ; the fat it accumulates in different parts of the body , according to complexion , height Y genetics of people. To differentiate the female silhouettes, the forms of the fruits; each one can have its advantages or disadvantages. This time we will describe the bodies of Apple and ofpear .

Experts emphasize that these body forms go beyond not only choosing your wardrobe, but it is a health issue, the types of adipose tissue They are different according to the area where they accumulate.

In pear-shaped bodies (those that accumulate weight in the hips and in the thighs ), the grease serves to store energy that is used during the pregnancy and the lactation .

In contrast, in the apple type (accumulates adipose tissue in the waist) are released chemical substances that increase inflammation in the body; It is also associated with cardiovascular diseases and the deaths related to the Cancer . Several studies have shown that fat in the waist increases the risk of diabetes , dementia among other.

According to a 2012 study of the Northwestern University , the obesity is harmful to memory and the function of brain . Of the 8 thousand 745 postmenopausal women who participated in the analysis, the pear-shaped bodies experienced a greater loss of memory and the deterioration cognitive , while women who keep the weight at the waist was sharper.


What is obesity?

It is a chronic disease of multifactorial origin that is characterized by excessive accumulation of fat in the body, and is associated with numerous complications such as certain health conditions or diseases and an increase in mortality.

Among the most common conditions are: cardiovascular , hypertension , diabetes, among others. This is measured through the Body Mass Index (BMI) and through the waist circumference.