Meditate improves your attitude towards life

The meditation , as well as the positive thoughts , are part of the 5 fundamental points of yoga , as taught Swami Vishnudevananda founder of the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers .

In this sense, the practice of meditation clarifies that when the mind is calm, without thoughts, or desires, you can see beyond (the "being") and consequently, optimize your quality of life.

About, Dharmacharini Abhayagita , member of the Bussines Center of Mexico City , clarifies that when human beings take time to "calm down" our minds and avoid having habitual thoughts that are not very positive, we will find a solution, since we will make better decisions:

Abhayagita, points out that the ability to concentrate is in everyone, it is not extraordinary, nor mysterious: "The meditation it's not something that a yogi (guide or teacher in this discipline) have to teach us, we all have the ability to silence thoughts, but we are not used to it. "

The only difference between this and meditation (in a positive way), is that we usually learn to concentrate the mind externally, in objects. When the mind is completely concentrated, time passes without our noticing it, as if it did not exist. Time is nothing more than a modification of the mind.

Video Medicine: The 12 Health Benefits of Meditation - Improve Your Life Today (April 2024).