Is not exercise your thing?

"I do not feel like it, I'm very tired", "I must do things from work", "not today, tomorrow I start with routine." How many times have you heard yourself say these excuses for not exercising?

According to an investigation carried out by the University of Colorado Even if you practically do it against your will, exercising can help protect you from anxiety and stress.

However, if it is difficult to get off the bed or the couch, with information from the publication Women Health , we provide you with 5 tips that will help you make the decision to make the exercise a routine of life:

1. Schedule sessions with a coach. The advantages of this are the following: it is a real commitment, you have appointments in which you are forced to attend, you have someone who is waiting for you; In addition, you are paying for the advice.

2. Start a routine with a colleague at work. It can be a great stimulant, since it motivates the ego, it is also an excellent opportunity for someone to watch and accompany you at the time of training.

3. Invest in your sports wardrobe. When you look in the mirror and see how good your clothes look, excuses will disappear for which you do not want to go to the gym.

4. Establish emotional ties in the gym. Take a few minutes to chat with your class teacher, let her know you a little more. The goal is to recognize you as a person who constantly goes to the gym this will allow you to receive more encouragement and encouragement from the coach which will make you want to go exercise.

5. Holidays. Most people speed up their training routines just before taking a big trip; so plan your holidays in advance, so where you want to go will be a stimulus for physical activity.

Physical activity is essential to improve your emotional state, but also to help you maintain a good state of health. So, try these tips and get active!

Video Medicine: The brain-changing benefits of exercise | Wendy Suzuki (May 2024).