Hugo Chávez and his relationship with cancer

Cancer attacks again Hugo Chavez , president of Venezuela, for which the president is operated for the fourth time in a hospital in Havana, Cuba. The location of the tumor is still unknown; However, some specialists say it could be terminal.

In accordance with Julián Molina, Mayo Clinic oncologist in Rochester, United States, the cancer that attacks Hugo Chavez again could be terminal due to the development of cells, as explained by the medical manager Eli Lilly, Angélica Cruz:

The specialists assure that when submitting a patient with cancer to surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and continues to register malignant cells or tumors is an indication that the neoplasm is not curable.


Hugo Chávez and his relationship with cancer

The Venezuelan president confirmed a few days ago the presence of some malignant cells in the same area where cancer was detected for the first time in 2011.

"For some other symptoms, we decided with the medical team to carry out exams (...) and, well, unfortunately, in that exhaustive review, the presence in the same affected area of ​​some malignant cells arises again".

According to the newspaper ABC of Spain , the symptoms that the president presented and that advanced the fourth operation were vomiting of blood, loss of conscience and strong abdominal pains.

Even the medical details shared by the Spanish newspaper indicate that a chemotherapy was ruled out due to the state of health of the Venezuelan leader.

Although Hugo Chávez assures that he will be well after surgery, he names as his successor the vice president and chancellor Nicolás Maduro. And you, do you think that the cancer that attacks Hugo Chavez again is curable?

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