Discover if your baby listens to you

The hearing and language are vital in human beings, because these skills are basic for communication. The baby at birth is able to hear and after a few weeks he will hear the high pitched sounds, which he will try to imitate.

When you hear a loud noise at your side, you will have different bodily reactions such as: flicker (closes the eyes), movement of arms or legs, or present crying, this being their means of communication with the mother.

If there is a serious defect in hearing and language (guttural sounds), parents will be able to detect it easily after the first weeks after birth.


What will happen if your baby does not listen?

When the child does not hear anything or is slow to react to some stimuli , must be trained by special methods or therapies that are in charge of a specialist in hearing and language, to achieve good communication with their environment.

If you have any questions about your baby's hearing and language, tell your pediatrician at your next appointment, as he or she will know how to guide you or suggest the preparation of certain auditory studies. Remember that the sense of hearing plays a very important role to be able to reproduce the words (speak). And you, have you paid attention to your child's hearing and language? If you want to know more information write to

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Video Medicine: Parents Don't Know Child Listens To Gangster Rap | Supernanny (April 2024).