Canola oil

For a long time we have heard that the fat consumption is harmful to health, but that is true to a certain extent, because Saturated fats yes they are bad, instead the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated are very good.

The Chemical Engineer Eduardo Molina, food specialist, He talked in exclusive for GetQoralHealth , that many people have restricted to the extreme their intake of fats in the diet, But this is a mistake, since there are good fats that provide many benefits to the body.

You can also see: Good Fats vs. bad fats


Canola oil

Canola oil contains Omega 3 and omega 6, which makes the oil to cook or fry healthier. It is very low in saturated fats.

It also has the highest level of plant sterols and beta-esters campesterol. Studies have shown that foods that contain a high concentration of sterols reduce the risk of various heart disease .


Avocado oil

Avocado oil has the property of controlling the cholesterol in the blood and strengthen the arteries against any damage. According to some studies, this oil also helps prevent cancer and helps improve the appearance of the skin.

The oil of avocado It is an excellent source of antioxidants.

Video Medicine: Healthy Cooking Oils 101 (April 2024).