Know your body!

Obesity and overweight are factors that have affected the quality of life in the Mexican population; However, not only can improper intake be indicated as "guilty" of this alarming...

Eat chocolate cookies

If you use your room to watch TV, work and eat, you'll probably end up getting more exhausted than usual and, of course, in a bad mood.Although you do not believe it, there are certain things you...

Vaginal infections are more common than you think

Throughout our lives, women have had vaginal infections practically since we entered childbearing age. Some are more annoying than others, but in reality, they have a solution. Vaginal infections are...

Things that cause it ...

"Health…". In seconds our head, and world, shake; Like a bomb, powerful and untimely, sneezing alters our nostrils to impact directly on the forehead, but, What causes this sensory...

Lust and its impact on the brain

Lust. Gluttony. Avarice. Sloth. Go to. Envy. Pride. They are the seven deadly sins that have so magnificently described, for centuries, poets like Dante Alighieri and his Divine Comedy (1265 - 1321),...

Lose weight through heat

When talking about weight loss, it becomes clear the relationship that exists between it and the production of heat, that is why we often see ads that refer to using heat to get rid of fat. This...


When the sadness does not leave you for days, when you feel that you have no strength to do your daily activities or you think that nothing in your life matters anymore, you could be suffering from...

You will need to

If you exercise, eat healthily and still do not see the desired results in your body, it is best to try these massages to eliminate fat from the comfort of your home.A study from the Journal of the...


Some people think that they should not eat carbohydrates if they want to lose weight; This is a mistake, not consuming this type of food can influence your diet. For that reason, we show you the 5...

Who practices it

Women constantly seek to see us and feel young, inside and out, but also, we can jovially keep our intimate zone. It is also known as vaginioplasty.It is a very common procedure nowadays and in spite...

Collateral damage

As children, many times we imagine what it would be like to be astronaut and travel through space, obviously without thinking about everything that comes with being an astronaut.At present many...

Massage 1

Many women are concerned about wearing a flat stomachRecently, different alternatives have been announced. massage to reduce the abdomen They turn out to be very effective.You can also see: These are...

Risk factor's

How many hours do you work a week ?, adds the extra hours of issues to be resolved that you took home, on the smartphone or finishing filling out forms, Add up to more than 100 a month? you could...

Know it!

How to reduce the waist? It is a question that many women ask themselves; However, there is a natural drink that helps you achieve it in a short time.This drink prevents the retention of liquids in...

Foods to improve fertility

There are foods that improve the quality of Ovum, the implantation of the embryo and the development of your baby; so if they are planning to get pregnantIt is better that you take into account...

1. Risk of obesity

The consumption of carbohydrates Y proteins They are vital macronutrients for you to stay healthy. While eating moderate amounts is beneficial, a diet excessive can influence the developing of...


An illness is the way in which the body calls you to stay healthy and is that our body regularly works perfect and we do not pay attention to it; Diseases and emotions can be healed, all are wrong...

These are the steps to follow

The pimples and blackheads they are very annoying, we always want to hide them and sometimes we make the mistake of squeeze them, this sometimes leaves marks on our skin that are never removed.That...

Rosemary alcohol to eliminate cellulite

Undoubtedly, one of the things that most worries women of our physique is the cellulitis. Also, some think that it is only possible to eliminate it with expensive treatments, and that is a big...

However, it is not all ...

Irrefutable symbol of female sexuality, the size of the hips acts as a benchmark for a woman's health; to start, it predicts if it is more susceptible to certain diseases.This is suggested by a...