Who practices it

Women constantly seek to see us and feel young, inside and out, but also, we can jovially keep our intimate zone. It is also known as vaginioplasty.

It is a very common procedure nowadays and in spite of being a surgical procedure it is simple and there are no complications regularly. Consists in shake the vagina ; when this happens it allows to have more pleasure in sexual relations since the friction is greater.

Initially, this surgery was used as a method of reconstruction. But seeing that the sensitivity increased, some women want to practice it.


Who practices it


  • Women with asymmetric vulval lips
  • Vulvar lips prominent
  • Prolapse (falling pelvic organs)

It is a simple and ambulatory procedure, that is, the patient can retire home a couple of hours after surgery.


EYE! Before deciding to practice it, a gynecologist must determine whether or not you are a candidate for this procedure.

The vaginal rejuvenation It is more common than we think, and regularly does not present complications, as long as it is carried out by a professional.

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