Know your body!

Obesity and overweight are factors that have affected the quality of life in the Mexican population; However, not only can improper intake be indicated as "guilty" of this alarming situation.

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we present 10 things that according to scientific studies can cause you to eat too much.


Know your body!

1. Stress According to a joint study of the University of Calgary Y Hotckiss Brain Institute Stress is one of the factors that most influence the presence of obesity. Scientists explain that when there is a lack of food a state of stress that reduces the regulation of the intake produced in the brain occurs.

2. Sleep habits. A study conducted by the French Institute for Nutrition It reveals that sleeping little is a factor that also influences in an important way in weight gain, since it decreases the segregation of leptin (hormone that regulates the appetite) and increases ghrelin (hormone that induces hunger).

3. Alcohol. Drinking alcohol in excess contributes to the presence of abdominal fat, this conclusion, product of an investigation was published by Europan Journal of Clinical .

4. Pregnancy Publications in The New England Journal of Medicine They indicate that factors such as smoking during pregnancy or obesity during pregnancy also influence an excessive intake that can cause obesity.

5. Hypothyroidism. In accordance with Patients with hypothyroidism have problems regulating their weight. This disease that alters the metabolism and makes it "slow" may be a factor to eat even if there is no sense of hunger.

6. Emotions. The Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) reveals that emotions such as anxiety, depression or loneliness are problems that make "Overeating" and contributes to raising the risk of overweight and obesity.

7. Exercise. Exercising also means that you eat more than when you do not practice it. It is important not to worry about eating more. An intake (though greater) of adequate foods helps counteract fatigue and build muscle mass.

8. Food "junk". This type of food reduces the level of dopamine and generates an addiction similar to that which occurs when drugs are used; this according to a study published in Nature Neuroscience .

9. Anger In accordance with Anger is a factor that is related to eating more, even if you do not experience hunger. Therefore recommend a better management of emotions and have healthy snacks.

10. Disorders. The binge disorder generates compulsion to eat at least 2 days a week, some characteristics are: the feeling of loss of control, eating "secretly" or eating fast and without experiencing hunger.

Remember to pay attention to the "signals" of your body and go to a specialist who determines the appropriate treatment to improve your quality of life. Watch your health!

Video Medicine: 10 THINGS YOU DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT YOUR BODY (April 2024).