Massage 1

Many women are concerned about wearing a flat stomach Recently, different alternatives have been announced. massage to reduce the abdomen They turn out to be very effective.

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There are different types of massages and each one offers benefits other than health and appearance. The massage manipulates the skin and mainly works so that the muscles do not suffer contractures and the blood circulation flows favorably.

These are the types of massage to reduce the abdomen


Massage 1

Many times what can prevent us from showing a belly and flat stomach it is the intestinal malfunction; the constipation infamous us and in addition to the discomfort in the abdomen it is swollen.

A massage around the navel According to the clockwise direction will stimulate intestinal transit.

The massage consists in creating the circles from the navel to the outside, until covering all the abdominal area.

Only used the fingers of the hands so that it is not an aggressive massage for the skin and the organs.