Does saliva influence your decisions?

Decisions are part of life, as they shape our destiny and personality; However, what influences them? What factors can determine who is taking the right choice in a stress situation? It is possible that the key is in the saliva.

This is suggested by a study conducted by the University of Granada , in which it was discovered that people with less ability to make decisions have a higher level of cortisol in saliva.

Cortisol, called the stress hormone, is an element that is secreted from the adrenal cortex and affects different functions of the organism: the musculoskeletal system, circulatory system, immune system and the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins and the nervous system .

Published in the magazine Psychoneuroendocrinology, The study was attended by 40 women, who were evaluated through a test called "Iowa Gambling Task".

In the research, the response to the stress produced when making a decision was analyzed. For specialists Isabel Peralta and Ana Santos , project leaders, point out that good decision-making skills are associated with low levels of cortisol.

Stress can distort the way in which situations are perceived, that is why maintaining the cortisol level is basic to make the right choice.

Video Medicine: Do Changing Seasons Affect Your Brain? | Ear Biscuits Ep. 166 (April 2024).