Super light roasted fruits

If you are tired of looking for some healthy alternatives of snacks, such as cereal bars, a single fruit or whole-grain cookies without flavor to keep your weight, you can achieve it if you only spend a few minutes the night before to prepare this recipe Light.

Different fruits can be cooked on the grill as the meat: Oranges, apples, pears and pineapples can be cut into slices and placed directly on the embers.

Others, like banana and mango, can be roasted in their shell or split in half. If you want to put a little more effort you can chop and make skewers.

To increase the flavor of the fruit you can marinate it a night before with this recipe with less than 200 calories:


Super light roasted fruits


1 cup of red wine
4 tablespoons of honey
4 tablespoons of lemon juice
1 touch of salt


Split the fruit according to how you want to serve it: it can be sliced ​​(you do not have to remove the shell) or chopped for skewers. Let them soak all night. Before putting them on the grill, grease the grill with butter.

Remember that some fruits (like banana without peel) do not roast, they just get hot, so plan your skewers making sure you do not have hard fruits (like apples) with soft ones.

If you want to make a dip for your fruit, blend half a cup of cottage cheese with two tablespoons of agave syrup or a sweetener substitute. Ready, enjoy this delicious snack that gives you energy and very few calories.

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