10 tips to improve your quality of life

According to the Spanish journalist Gaspar Hernández , each person has to find their particular way to know and manage their emotions and feelings, to achieve a better life.

In his book The job of living wellHernández affirms that with fear, anger or envy we can hardly have the subjective perception of living well. In their eagerness to find the secret, several psychologists, researchers or philosophers agree that one of the pillars to find happiness is not to cling to things, or people.

Actions and quality of life

For his part, the expert in psychology Martín Seligman , one of the promoters of the movement known as positive psychology, points out that there is a series of actions that allow us to improve our quality of life:

1. Dedicate time only to your thoughts; meditate every day 2. Know your interior: this raises the confidence in yourself and improve your decision making 3. Set a goal to achieve every day; leave the routine aside. 4. Learn something new: every day you have the opportunity to grow. 5. Share your knowledge 6. Dedicate time to a child. From them you always learn, your perspective is enriching 7. Go out and enjoy outdoor walks; go to the cinema or theater 8. Identify what makes you happy : from the most insignificant to the most transcendental and try to incorporate those things into your daily life 9. Plan something and do it. Think carefully and concentrate to the fullest to fulfill that project 10. Learn to control your stress . Inhale and exhale as many times as possible

The psychiatrist Víctor Frankl , survivor of Auschwitz and founder of Logotherapy, said that "a person can be snatched from everything except the choice of personal attitude to a set of circumstances." This means that, often, we can not choose the facts, but we can choose to face them.

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Video Medicine: 10 Action Steps to Improve Your Lifestyle FAST | Easy Ways To Increase Quality Of Life (May 2024).