
Surely they have told you that you are very fickle, others, on the other hand, can tell you that you are bipolar by havinghumor changes very sudden That is why it is important to know the differences between being fickle or be bipolar , many people can get confused.

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They are very different conditions. The bipolarity is a psychiatric disorder , in which lifelong treatment is required and being fickle is a personality disorder consisting of sudden mood swings but not related to chemical alterations in the brain.



According to data of Dr. Enrique Chávez León, president of the Mexican Psychiatric Association , bipolar patients have excess dopamine and lack of serotonin. In addition, 80% have a genetic origin, mainly from direct inheritance, that is, from a father or mother.

The bipolarity goes from euphoria to depression, to say; people are either very exalted or very sad. The treatment to be followed is based on stabilizing mood drugs, in some cases psychotic and psychiatric therapy. It is a condition that has no cure but can be controlled and the patient can lead a relatively normal life.

Good or bad news, sudden changes in life, alcohol abuse and not sleeping well can be factors that trigger a crisis in patients with bipolar disorder, "says Dr. Chavez, Mexican Psychiatric Association



Is a personality disorder in which people are characterized by being inflexible and loving, manifest a rigid pattern in behavior. He has unexpected and aggressive reactions before certain situations.

Fickle people should undergo psychological therapy to control your mood changes. Sometimes it is necessary to administer antidepressants; however, it is an alteration in behavior that can be modified.

So you already know the difference between bipolar and fickle , it is not correct to call bipolar To a person who has sudden mood swings, bipolarity should be diagnosed by a professional, in this case a psychologist or psychiatrist.

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