Diabetes and right to reproduction chosen

The employment of contraceptives for more than 5 years in people with diabetes increases the risks of raising blood pressure, and although science has not contraindicated any known method, it is known that there are risks and must be careful when choosing the best and use it.

However, medicine discourages the use of IUD in women diabetics Because when you have this disease there is a predisposition to infections and some complication in their control.

The effects of contraceptive injections in diabetic women are not well defined but it must be taken into account that this contraceptive method contains high hormonal doses .

Regarding the contraceptive ring, it can present problems due to the formation of thrombi, which is why it is not recommended for women with diabetes.

Patients should always consult their gynecologist to evaluate which is the most convenient contraceptive method by putting the obstetric surgeon in a background of the type of diabetes that is suffered, other diseases, blood glucose levels and other data that come to request.

OAs and combination injectables are contraindicated or are usually inadequate options. The ideal contraceptives for women with diabetes are barrier contraceptives, such as condoms or diaphragms vaginal.

The sex life of the diabetic patient can suffer deterioration if you do not have adequate control of your sugar, so it is important to remain firm in the control of it and have an open communication with your partner.

Video Medicine: The Endocrine System (May 2024).