Mexican girls eat more alcohol

In the last six years, the consumption of the alcoholIt has exploded in Mexico, mainly among girls between 12 and 17 years of age, who can drink up to five drinks in a single day.According to the...

Patients with gastric bypass take longer to process alcohol

Patients who have a gastric bypass may take longer in process alcohol, which is a risk when you fall into excesses, indicates a study published by the newspaper Journal of the American College of...

Pill against alcoholism

A new pill against alcoholism, which can reduce up to 60% and even eradicate the consumption of alcohol in people, can be acquired in Mexico.Lundbeck, the Danish laboratory in charge of its...

Brain chemist determines who will drink

The differences in brain chemistry could help explain why some people with a strong family history of alcoholism, they do not become alcoholics, while others with the same high risk environment...

Profile of alcoholism in Mexico

The proportion of the Mexican population that abuses or is dependent on alcohol is very high, there are just over four million Mexicans who meet the criteria to fit the profile to suffer a disorder...

So what is happening?

The concrete answer would be no, at least if we specifically talk about alcohol. The reality is that all alcoholic beverages are based on ethanol, in addition to other substances, therefore there is...

Tampons, a new way to get drunk

A practice that today has become fashionable among young people, 14 and 23 years old, is known as tampons on the rocks or tampax on the rocks, a phenomenon that responds to the fact of not wanting to...

3 effects of alcohol

Drink Metformin prevents the effects of having taken a lot of alcohol for years (fatty liver and increased triglycerides), but before mixing them it is best to follow these medical recommendations...

Treatment for alcoholics at the INPRF

The alcoholismor is a chronic disease that requires a integral treatment for your control. That is why the National Institute of Psychiatry "Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz" has the Help Center for...