Reduces the odds of postpartum depression

One of the most common symptoms after giving birth is sadness or depression, hormones are 'skin-deep' and it is very easy to have sudden mood swings, so that this does not happen to you, we tell you how to reduce the odds to suffer postpartum depression .

According to studies published by The National Institute of Health , it is normal to have emotional instability, but if this continues after 6 weeks, you could consider postpartum depression .

And although, there is no exact cause to know why it happens, if there is a way to avoid it.

Recent studies have shown that women who gave birth in the winter and spring have a lower tendency to suffer from postpartum depression than those who gave birth at other times. But, why is this happening? according to the study, led by Dr. Jie Zhou, of the Brigham Women's Hospital in Massachusetts, this could be due to the positive effect that comes from being a season full of festivities.

If we think about it, it does not sound so crazy, because it is precisely in these times when the festivities, the meetings and that little worm that you want to spend time with our family and friends are more recurrent, starting new cycles, enjoying.

In addition, the study conducted in early 2017, established that, also the longer the pregnancy was less likely to suffer from postpartum depression.

Even so, if during pregnancy you get to feel sad, anxious or uncomfortable, do not do less your feelings and ask for help.