Low 10 kilos when eating through the nose

Although it has been shown that the effective remedy for lose weight is to take care of our food and perform exercise , some doctors, like the Dr. Di Pietro , they claim that they have a method for lose kilos in a week .

Doctor Oliver Di Pietro unveiled his program to reduce weight, called: Ketogenic Enteral, where the patient only feeds through the nose. How does it work? They are placed in a nasogastric tube, in which they receive the minimum amount of energy they need to maintain their daily activity.

In this regard, the creator of this technique stated: "My patients do not go hungry; the supply of food is constant, 800 calories a day, and they manage to lose up to 10% of their weight in just over a week. "

However, nutrition specialists warn of the dangers that detonate this method to lose kilos in a week , as dehydration , kidney stones , Headaches , constipation and bad breath.

It is known that those who are adopting this method are women close to getting married, but remember that there is no "miracle" product that in so little time makes you reduce so many kilos; They cause you sequels and you could gain more weight than you already had.

Thus, GetQoralHealth recommends you have a diet balanced, that you make at least 30 minutes of exercise and do not obsess about your weight. Let things flow, but be consistent in having a healthy lifestyle.

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