1. If you tear one out, two

It does not matter if you are in your 20s or 30s, gray hair can appear at any time and for various reasons, the issue is that there are several myths of gray hair that misinform and worsen their appearance.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, Adriana Montes de Oca, dermatologist clarifies 10 myths of gray hair so you are well informed and do not affect your beauty.

You can also see: If the gray hairs appear in your youth, this is why


1. If you tear one out, two

False. There is no research in this regard that endorses it. It's just an optical effect since the white hair appear in a group


2. Appear from the age of 30

False. There is no specific age for its appearance, that depends on the genetics from each person.


3. A bad diet accelerates its appearance

True. You can control the appearance of gray hair with a good diet. The ideal is to include foods rich in zinc in your meals.


4. It affects women more than men

True. Gray hair appears at an earlier age in women than in men.


5. They are a sign of aging

False. The hair is a hair that has lost its natural color due to the decrease in the production of melanin .


6. Gray hair comes out due to stress

True. The excess of activities and anxiety accelerates the oxidative process, that is, the aging .


7. Its appearance is largely due to genes

True. Several studies support that the genetics determines its appearance.


8. The lack of vitamin B accelerates the process of gray hair

True. A lack ofVitamin B , especially of the B5 complex and pantothenic acid, have been shown to be related in the premature appearance of gray hair.


9. There are treatments that prevent them from coming out again

False. Once he hair it is already clear, it does not need any special treatment, but neither does it leave it abandoned.


10. Smoking predisposes to the appearance of the first gray hair

True. If you still do not decide to quit, this is a good reason because tobacco promotes faster appearance.

If you do not want your hair Finish by turning white, do not throw these myths of gray hair and learn to live with them.


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