Taste that gives happiness

When you talk about all the roads that exist to reach that state of fullness Y satisfaction what do we know as happiness , various theories and useful practices can be listed, but little is known about the influence of food that since its preparation can influence the mood, so it can be said thatcooking makes you happy .

If you have ever had to eat a food which is especially spicy and let you leave the comment that surely the cook was angry and his bad humor it was reflected in how irritating that saucer , you can be sure that your words are full of reason .


The book Kitchen manual for happiness, written by Buddhist monks, explains that at the time of prepare a food your emotions impact on the mode of preparation .


If you assume this homework with the taste and desire to honor your guests, you will have a good attitude and you endeavor will be channeled into doing the best possible, otherwise if you see it as a load Well, you just want to get out of the way.

A moment for meditation

Both the act of prepare Foods like consume them are moments that allow to have a moment for with you. According to the authors what could be considered as something daily Y necessary , it can be transformed into a activity of meditation deep that will keep you away from thoughts what do you atormenten .


Few practices can help to train the mind to obtain it Attention full (base of the meditation ) as the preparation of the food. Because it is not the same to light the stove with the mind uncontrolled controlled ", The authors affirm.

To get to this point it is recommended prepare the ambient for a pleasant and quiet practice. If it's your turn to be a host or even if you'll prepare something for yourself, considers The next points:

  1. The kitchen it has to be a place cleansed Y organized , to streamline the processes.
  2. Keep the space in silence Or, if you prefer, go with music to help the meditation and at an average volume.
  3. Ten near of you so much instruments Like the condiments what will you use in your preparation .
  4. Adopt a positive attitude and willingness to entertain the guests.
  5. Try that your recipes contain all alimentary groups and if they are salads, mix vegetables and / or fruits of the greatest possible number of colors, this translates into balance vitamin .


Taste that gives happiness

At the time of enjoy of the saucers another space opens up to find the happiness in a different way to what could be commonly assumed, and for which the authors propose to consider the following points:


  1. The hungry and the appetite are alarms of the organism to warn about the needs to replace energies . You must be attentive to your calls, but avoid becoming slaves of your own impulses.
  2. Before starting eat you must stop a moment to contact the organism to detect if it really feels hungry or not. You also have to guess how much food we need , what kind of foods They agree more and how much company is required at the table.
  3. So that the digestion be Excellent , the stomach It must not be totally full.
  4. They have to be generated gratitude towards all the beings that have made it possible to enjoy the food . A positive message should also be sent to those who suffer from hunger in the world .

Eat or prepare food, does not simply translate into covering a need or meet a obligation , they are acts that are part of who you are, from how you nourish even the way you relate to both acts and impact on your Health , to level emotional And till socially .

See that the arts culinary become an opportunity to entertain Y harmonize with you and the world that you surrounds .

Video Medicine: [Person Who Gives Happiness] 행복을 주는 사람 21회 - Hayul & Yeonho has the same taste 20161220 (April 2024).