Wash your hands thoroughly ...

In the body of the human being there are thousands of bacteria, good and bad; For example, the intestine has 100 billion viruses or 10 times more bacteria that can be identified as cells in the human body, but what are the things with more bacteria than a toilet and that damage our Health ?

Most of the bacteria are found in the digestive system, so it is very common to cause gastrointestinal problems or infections, promote the development of obesity, increase the risk of suffering diseases cardiovascular diseases, cause colic and can damage the brain.


Wash your hands thoroughly ...

It is very difficult to avoid contact with bacteria , however, you can wash your hands with soap and water after touching the following things that have more bacteria than a toilet.

1. Aircraft bag. The pocket that sits on the back of the seats of an airplane saves many bacteria , like the antibiotic resistant known as MRSA or E. Coli, according to a study by the University of Auburn in Alabama.

2. Money . A study conducted by the Oxford University details that a ticket has more than 26 thousand bacteria , which are very harmful to health.

3. Ice . An investigation published in Daily Mail reveals that the ice cubes served in fast food restaurants have more bacteria than the water in the toilet.

4. Restaurant menus. A study published in the Journal of Medical Virology details that the cards have 100 times more bacteria than the toilet lid. Even the flu virus can live in them for 18 hours.

5. Lemon slices. Around 69.7% of the pieces of lemon that are used to decorate beverages with more than 25 types of bacteria , according to a study published in the Journal of Environmental Health .

Other things that you may not imagine are full of germs and you use them very often are supermarket carts, door knobs and carpets, so it is best to keep these items clean or wash your hands before eating or after using them.

Remember that your health is very important, so avoid exposing yourself to risks that you can prevent. Always wash your hands and enjoy a better quality of life. And you, how do you protect your body from bacteria?

Video Medicine: Are you washing your hands long enough to kill germs? (May 2024).