8 tips to improve your memory

On many occasions, most people have episodes of "bad memory ", Which does not mean that there is a serious problem. The human being, in reality, has a memory much greater than the one used daily, you just have to learn to develop it to obtain great benefits in the social, work, academic and family environment.

The memory It is a mental function responsible for storing and evoking what has been learned in life. This procedure starts from childhood and develops over the years.

Some factors that may affect it are: stress , depression , lack of attention, insane degenerative processes (Alzheimer's ) and own aging .

So that the mental capacities do not diminish with the years, you must keep them active. Memory can be improved through methods and exercises special To improve your GetQoralHealth memory recommends the following activities.

1. reads a lot

2. Take a course to develop the memory

3. Solve crosswords and riddles

4. Maintain a good diet, nutritional deficiencies can affect the memory

Learn techniques to improve your memory with the following video:

5. Makes exercise , tensions afflict the memory

6. Practice frequently exercises stimulation memory (remember what you had for breakfast yesterday, how did you dress or what was the last movie you saw at the cinema ...)

7. Sleep eight hours a day

8. Play "Memorama" or hobbies that stimulate your memory

Improve your memory It is very simple, you just have to be constant and soon you will notice the results. Good luck!