Why does fat accumulate in the abdominal area?

From the age of 30, and especially at the beginning of the fourth decade, many changes are beginning to take place in the woman's body. Over the years, for example, the metabolism begins to reduce its speed and that causes that the same amount of food that previously kept us in weight, generates a slight weight gain from those ages.

According to Argentine endocrinologists Laura Maffei and Juliana Mociulsky , although there may be modifications in the metabolism , they may be minimal and may not have a clinical significance. This will depend on hereditary predisposition, dietary habits and physical activity.

They add that it is important to note that what we call metabolism , in fact it is the integral of diverse factors (hereditary, diet, physical activity and stress, among others) that determine the balance between what we eat and what we assimilate. This is changing and, therefore, we have to maintain the best possible lifestyle in order to avoid weight gain .


Why does fat accumulate in the abdominal area?

According to Dr. Maffei, fat is an extremely active tissue that enhances these metabolic changes . "The distribution of fat changes from a certain age, that's why the belly appears." There the person weighs the same, but the distribution is different, "he says.

For Dr. Mociulsky, "it is a negative distribution for health and, moreover, it is self-perpetuating: the more it is installed at the central level, the more difficult it is to redistribute it".

The goal, says the specialist, is not to lose pounds, but to avoid weight gain and redistribute this abdominal fat. With the decades this disposition is increasing, for that reason it is necessary to prevent it.

In this, the importance of feeding plan , the physical activity and also allows to detect if there is any disease metabolic .

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