The error is in your actions ...

When you talk about lose weight the term metabolism It takes a great relevance, since it is the physical and chemical process that takes place in the cells that turn the nutrients of the food into the energy necessary for the body fulfill all your vital functions.

However, there are habits that can "encourage" it, contributing in this way to alterations that not only influence the weight but your overall health.


The error is in your actions ...

According to the expert David Katz, director of the Preventive Research Center at Yale University, a food It takes about 12 hours to be processed by the body, time in which its components have been used: power generation, hot and storage.

But what are the habits that can slow you down metabolism ? With information from Paso Real Medical Center, in Venezuela, we offer you five of them:

1. Do you have breakfast too late? Do not have breakfast within the first hour after we wake up is one of the worst mistakes we can make, since this prolonged fast markedly slows the metabolism and it affects the ability of lose weight . When we spend too many hours without eating, the body receives the message that it must reserve energy, which is why body fat accumulates and the metabolism slows down.

2. Sleep little. An investigation of the University of Surrey, in the United Kingdom, revealed that sleeping less than six hours on a daily basis causes damage to the metabolism and increase your chances of suffering from diabetes.

3. Do not exercise. Maintaining a stable exercise routine keeps the weightloss active and better metabolic capacity for burn fat. The body continues to work until 24 hours after an exercise routine, and therefore letting go many days without exercise does nothing but slow down the metabolism and slow down weight loss

4. Fiber Increasing fiber levels by switching to breads, rice and wholegrain pasta will increase our metabolism.

5. Drink alcohol. Slow down the metabolism and your ability to burn fat, in addition to dehydrating the body. Therefore, it is important not to have the habit of drinking more than one glass of alcohol, and always drink water to rehydrate the body and not affect the metabolism.

Not everything is lost, there are habits that can help you accelerate your metabolism, including eating chocolate. An investigation published in the Archives of Internal Medicine notes that chocolate has metabolic benefits, makes it faster.

Video Medicine: Bad Time Trio [Undertale AU] - "Phase 2: Consequences Of Your Actions" NITRO Remix (May 2024).