7 effective tips vs kilos of more

If you have made the decision to lose those extra kilos before, during or after the Christmas holidays, at GetQoralHealth we give you a series of effective tips to eliminate them.

Losing those extra pounds is a matter of habits, both in food and lifestyle in general.

1. Eat slowly . One of the tricks to lose weight is to eat slowly. The brain It is designed so that the person feels full after fifteen to twenty minutes after having started eating. Saliva contains enzymes that help to digest food better, so the more times you chew, the easier it will be for the body to absorb nutrients. In the end you will feel healthier and you will have lost many kilos.

2. Hydrate . Take a lot Water , especially if you have hungry , is another of the tricks that work very well to lose weight. The brain interprets thirst as hungry . Avoid being thirsty and avoid falling into the temptation of eating a sandwich.

3. A glass of water before eating. Take a glass with Water 10 minutes before eating will allow gastric juices to act properly at mealtime, for better digestion. Also, drinking it between meals prevents you from feeling too much hungry .

4. Drink coffee after eating. It is important not to add milk or sugar because otherwise it would act as a dessert. The coffee has properties for lose weight if you drink alone.

5. Use the stairs. Use the stairs , leave the car far away and walk, and go cycling to work, are good tricks to lose weight that at the same time improve your heart condition. Climbing stairs It helps you burn 300 to 500 calories for every half hour you do it.

6. Chewing gum . If you feel the need to chew or eat something while doing your activities, a bubble gum of intense flavor can come to the rescue and help lose weight.

7. Sleep. According to a study by the University of Michigan (U.S), sleep An extra hour per day can make you lose about 7 kilos a year. If you change your nighttime cravings for an extra hour of dream , the caloric saving of that hour can reach 6%.

Losing those extra kilos can be vital because, according to a study published in the European Health Journal , if the diameter of the waist divided by the diameter of the hips exceeds 0.91, the risk of suffering three times cardiovascular diseases and other conditions such as diabetes .

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Video Medicine: 15 Simple Ways to Lose Weight In 2 Weeks (May 2024).