Stem cells to save pets

A pet, is for many, a source of company and fun. However, in several homes these animals have a place that goes beyond friendship: they are members of the family, but what happens when they get sick? It is possible that stem cells are the answer.

The area of ​​regeneration has given a leap to the veterinary field; For example, stem cells, which have been successfully applied in dogs to combat conditions such as dysplasia.

If you want to discover a little more about how it works and where it takes place in the country GetQoralHealth Y Chain Three News they present you with the following video:

According to National Institute of Health in the United States , stem cells have the potential to become many different types in the body. They work as a body repair system. There are two main types, embryonic cells and adult cells.

These are still under study in the field of medicine and veterinary medicine.

Data provided by the National Housing Survey reveal that 6 out of 10 households in Mexico have at least one pet; but beyond sharing your space of life you must give them quality and respect.

Video Medicine: Saving Pets, Saving People: the Stem Cell Solution (April 2024).