5 tips for food portions

One of the main problems by which the subsistence allowance They do not work, we increase our weight or we can not reduce it. food portions that we ingest, since we consider normal a certain ration, when in fact, we eat much more without realizing it.

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we give you some simple tips, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the United States, which will help you control the portions consumed and so, keep weight or lose weight :

1. Make your house a "portion control zone" . For example, replace the candy jar with a tray of fruit. Store tempting foods such as cookies, chips, and ice cream out of sight, such as at the top of the cupboard or at the bottom of the freezer. Place the healthiest foods with the naked eye.

2. Always eat seated, slowly and without distractions , so that you concentrate on the food, paying attention to what you eat and so, you can be aware of the portion of food . Make sure that in your center is a platter with green apples, bananas, instead of flowers.

3. Make sure the dishes are small (about 15 cm in diameter) and avoid the bowls. Use a cup to serve foods that you tend to eat quickly, such as cereal and frozen . Save those big plates for salads and soups prepared with broth, so you feel satisfied with fewer calories.

4. Use small spoons to serve the food. People who use 85-gram spoons to serve themselves consume almost 15% more food than those who are served with 57-gram spoons.

5. Paint your walls blue . It is thought that this color represses the appetite of natural form. Blue lights cause food to look less appetizing , while hotter colors, particularly yellow, have the opposite effect.

Remember that the key to achieving and maintaining a Healthy weight it is not related to changes in short-term feeding. It's really about leading a lifestyle that includes healthy nutrition , physical activity regular and balance between the amount of calories consumed and used. So the control of your portions to consume is very important.

Video Medicine: Portion Distortion- part III: Tips for proper portion sizes when eating out (April 2024).