5 tips to revitalize your mind

All week long were you anxious for the weekend to arrive? Now that it is time to enjoy your days of rest and finish with the stress Yexhaustion Physical and mental, you must do everything on your part to revitalize your mind and increase your productivity.

To achieve this renewal you have to completely forget about the work and the pressures you were dealing with all week. Think for a few minutes about the type of activities that generate you pleasure and that you would like to practice this weekend to be filled with energy, such as the following:

1.- Sing: It is well known that music therapy It helps calm the soul and generate positive thoughts. If you are very stressed start your day enjoying the silence and only listen to the sounds of nature; After a few minutes, choose your favorite song and sing it as loud as you can to release the tension.

2.- Clothing: Magazine Positive Human Resource recommends that when you arrive from work with high levels of exhaustion, take off your clothes from the office and use one that makes you feel comfortable, whether it's your pajamas or sportswear. Lie on your back on a stiff surface with your legs and arms extended. Close your eyes and stay still; identify the muscles of your entire body you contract and relax.

3.- Use your imagination: Finish mental exhaustion with the help of images that come from your imagination as a relaxing sunset, rhythmic waves of the sea or any scenario that is pleasurable for you.

4.- Oxygenate your body: The breathing It is one of the most important functions of the body, since it oxygenates each cell and favors the correct functioning of the brain . Take five minutes to do a series of breaths that will help combat exhaustion. You can also go to a place where they offer services of ozone therapy , which will help you recover your energy.

5.- Enjoy your sense of sight: Through the eyes we enjoy the simplest things in life. To eliminate exhaustion and attract happiness, look for things that are pleasing to you, from the photo of the person you like to a program or movie that is to your liking.

With these activities, you completely eliminate the exhaustion physical, mental and spiritual, and you will help your body to regenerate and function properly, that is, you will be more creative and positive when doing your work and you will avoid the appearance of diseases . And you, have you already visualized how you will eliminate exhaustion this weekend?

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