Living with fibromyalgia

Since the first symptoms of the disorder begin to suffer until the diagnosis of fibromyalgia , it usually goes through a long process that most patients describe as a "pilgrimage" from doctor to doctor.

The experience of this process, together with the doubts and uncertainty that it generates in the patient, makes that the moment of the diagnosis makes it be received with relief. A logical relief for many reasons, among them that family or friends come to think that the symptoms are invented.

To live with fibromyalgia in the healthiest way possible, it is essential to accept that you suffer from chronic disease which must be known and respected. It is about learning that, even with the limitations that the disease may suppose, there are many activities that can be carried out in the most normal way.

In an interview with GetQoralHealth , Rocío Fabela Lozada , patient with fibromyalgia , tells you how you live with this disease and your own experience throughout this process:

Among the measures to lead a life as normal as possible are:

1. Learn to identify those areas where the pain and the tension they are older two. Relax . The main strategy against anxiety for him pain, is the relaxation . Different techniques can be used to achieve this state.3. Self control . As much as possible, try to control pain episodes by breathing , in a smooth and slow way.4. Prevent depression . Even with the limitation of your tasks, do not stop doing or look for those rewarding activities that allow you to feel good about yourself, which will improve your mood .5. Avoid negative thoughts . To break the habit of focusing your attention on symptoms, reduce those comments and complaints about the pain. Try replacing them with positive thoughts .

It is proven that theexercise moderate is very beneficial, as it helps them recover and / or maintain a tone muscular adequate, increases flexibility and prevents fatigue. Therefore, it is best to consult your doctor or physiotherapist to implement an appropriate program.