5 tips to remove fat from the pectorals

Have them pectorals firm and defined, it is the dream of many men. However, it is common for fat to accumulate in this area and it can be very difficult to eliminate it. Specialists of the University of Madrid suggest that the aerobic exercise and one diet rich in proteins They help eliminate fat from this area. GetQoralHealth It suggests more tips to achieve some pectorals of envy.

1. Make a routine exercises opening with dumbbells. Open the arms to the sides of the body, bend the elbows a little and leave the palms of the hand facing upwards. Lift the weights and join them. Your arms should be straight with your elbows slightly bent. Contract the pectoral muscles and hold the position for a moment. Return to the starting position. Do three sets of eight repetitions.

2. Lie down on a bench. Use a weight appropriate to your training level. Hold the dumbbells close to the pectorals. Bring the dumbbells up with both arms. Lower the dumbbells slowly. Perform three sets of eight repetitions every two days.

3. Face down, stretch your arms with your open hands resting on the floor at your shoulders. Get up off the floor by stretching your arms. Contract the abdominal muscles while you get up. Keep your shoulders down. Slow down just before your arms are stretched. Do three sets of twelve repetitions.

4. Do aerobic activities such as walking, running or riding a bicycle. Find an activity that you enjoy to help you burn chest fat. It is advisable to do aerobic exercise for 30 to 45 minutes at least three days a week.

5. Reduce your caloric intake to burn fat and lose weight . You must remove more calories of those you consume. Replace junk food with fruits, vegetables, grains and proteins of lean meats.

For lose weight of the pectorals, you should eat healthy and reduce the amount of calories of your meals. Do not forget to be constant in your routine exercise . In a short time you will notice the results.

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