Muscle pain?

The body responds to stress with a series of physiological changes that include increased secretion of adrenalin , the elevation of the blood pressure , acceleration of the heartbeat and greater muscular tension.

According to the portal , this response can be accentuated if other factors such as sedentary lifestyle or previous injuries.

The serious thing is when the tension continues and the fibers involved in the forced movements increase, because involuntary contractions arise as a natural response; that is, muscular contractions sustained over time.

Our emotional and mental states affect our body, so if they are blocked predispose the tension permanently in the body and modify the structural balance that allows relaxation and rest.

An alternative to release this pain is the "Constructive relaxation" ; corrective movements that promote awareness of the breathing to influence physical and psycho-emotional states.

It is about realigning the fundamental axes of the body for proper functioning, both in activity and at rest.

According to researchers fromCleveland Clinic , there are several techniques that allow progressive muscle relaxation, such as yoga , which improves the response to stress by balancing the body and the mind.

Therefore, our specialist in yoga and meditation, Marcia Hidalgo , it explains how to free you from the involuntary tension:

In addition, you can make certain relaxation exercises specific, based on the conscious breathing:

1. Lie on a mat with your legs comfortably stretched along your body without exerting any force. Place both hands on the upper abdomen and perform several breaths complete (inhale and exhale).
2. Visualize how the air you inhale is full of energy and accumulates in your solar plexus; when exhaling the air, think how the energy is distributed which wave of water that expands in a quiet lake, and its energy is distributed in every cell of the body. Visualize this energetic rhythm and notice that it invigorates you, that it really fills you with energy and vitality.
3. Use colors: when you inhale, visualize the color blue: you fill yourself with new energy, calmness and peace, and when you exhale, visualize the red: it releases the tensions and negative states.

This type of exercises help to become aware of the state of tension in your body, as well as properly align your axes and emotions, which allows the body a better response to the stress and prevent involuntary muscle tension.

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Video Medicine: Arthritis Pain Relief : Thigh Muscle Strengthening Exercises (April 2024).