Cellulite in men

¿Cellulitis in men? Indeed, although the incidence is greater in women, they also suffer from this aesthetic problem that directly impacts the self-esteem and health of people.

In the portal Celulitis.org It is noted that around 10% of men present cellulitis in the legs, buttocks and in the abdominal area, especially if they suffer from any hormonal deficiency. Among the most common causes of its appearance are:

Hormonal problems: This type of disorder generates an accumulation of grease in the cutaneous tissues; They also favor fluid retention.

Skin differences: The structures of the male dermis are very different from the female, so the appearance of the cellulitis in males it is very different.

In addition, specialists assure that the stress , the diet rich in fats, junk food and lack of exercise favor the appearance of cellulitis both in men and women, so it is important to have healthy habits.


Prevent cellulite!

Currently men are more concerned about their appearance, so they seek treatments that help prevent the appearance of cellulitis or the accumulation of grease in the body.

Therefore, specialists recommend from the practice of exercise until the use of alternative therapies such as mesotherapy , pressotherapy and the massages lymphatics, which is responsible for improving blood circulation and eliminate toxins. Also, men, above all, metrosexuals use cosmetology as moisturizing creams to prevent the appearance of cellulitis . And you, did you imagine that men suffered from cellulite?

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Video Medicine: How to Lose Cellulite (May 2024).