1. Lack of exercise

Abdominal fat is not only an aesthetic problem, according to researchers from the Massachusetts General Hospital , abdominal fat reduces bone mineral density and therefore increases the risk of osteoporosis, in addition to doubling the risk of asthma. Therefore in GetQoralHealth ,  We invite you to know the main reasons why we can accumulate fat in the abdomen:

1. Lack of exercise

Researchers of the North American University "Jogns Hopkins" , found that it is necessary to maintain an ideal weight, since abdominal fat is not only an aesthetic problem; It also harms the health. Therefore, it is important to perform moderate physical exercise to improve cardiovascular health.

2. Hormones

According to publications of Hospital Nutrition , poor hormonal regulation, or certain hormones involved in the metabolism of fatty acids and growth, are related to a greater predisposition to accumulate fat in the abdomen. Among them the growth hormone, luteinizing hormone and leptin, mainly.

3. Inadequate diet

According to publications of the Cuban Journal of Biomedical Research , exceed the calories required according to our weight, age and physical activity, due to a disproportionate diet and poorly planned (rich in carbohydrates and fats) generates energy accumulation especially in the abdominal region.

4. "Picoteo"

Consuming unhealthy snacks such as chips, cookies or sweets increase our caloric intake and therefore abdominal fat, these foods do not provide nutrients for our body.

5. Alcohol in excess

A study published in European Journal of Clinical Nutrition , reveals that an excessive consumption of alcohol is a highly predisposing factor (50%) to generate abdominal fat, since these are "extra" liquid calories to solid foods.


6. Genetics

Researchers of the Institute Sanford Burnham , indicate that body fat varies genetically in different parts of the body. Observe the characteristics of your family, if a large part of it accumulates fat in the abdominal region, it may be that your body has this tendency in the same way.


7. Stress

The nutritionist Patricia Ramírez , indicates that, during stress situations, the adrenal glands are stimulated to release different hormones, particularly adrenaline and cortisol. When cortisol increases in blood, it favors the formation of fat in the body (lipogenesis), which is deposited in the abdomen.

Scientists of the American Academy of Neurology , showed that between 20 and 55 years, excess fat also increases the risk of migraine and migraine headaches. Do not forget that adopting a healthy lifestyle avoids accumulating fat in the abdominal region and therefore reduces the likelihood of suffering from diseases. Watch your health!

Video Medicine: Poor Diet and Lack of Exercise Accelerate the Onset of Age-Related Conditions in Mice (April 2024).