5 Pilates exercises for hip and waist

Whether due to genetics or bad habits, the accumulation of fat and flaccidity in certain areas of the body causes, for many women, complexes that diminish their self-esteem. Example of these areas are the hip and waist; However, what can be done to avoid or reduce this problem?

The solution could be in a Pilates routine, a discipline that contains a wide variety of exercises to reduce hips and shape the waist. With this objective GetQoralHealth presents you five of them Try them and enjoy spectacular curves!

1. Leg lift. Lying on your side on the mat, rest your head on your arm and keep your legs stretched one on top of the other a little forward of the body to avoid damaging the lower back. Inhale and, while exhaling, contract the abdominal muscles and raise the upper leg fully stretched, while trying not to arch the lower back and the hip is on the floor.

This position should be maintained at least 5 seconds.

2. Scissors . Lie on your back and raise your legs at a 90º angle to the trunk. Keep one leg up and lower the other stretched, but always taking it only to the height where you can keep your entire back resting on the ground. Go back up slowly and repeat 10 times.

3. Siren. Stand on your knees with your back straight and your abdomen tight. Hold your hands up, above your head. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, tilt the pelvis to the right until you feel on that side. Keep the trunk and arms formed a "C". Slowly return to the initial position

4. Kick in the back. Lying on your side stretches your leg in front of you throughout your entire body. Hold this position for five minutes.

5. Arch. Lying on the floor, bend the knees placing both arms parallel to the body. The movement consists of waving the arms, as if you were splashing in the water, for two to three minutes.

Then, in the same position, try to lift your back, avoiding taking off your feet from the floor until you are seated. Then, lie down again and repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

Remember that adding 30 minutes of exercise every day will allow you to feel better. In addition to these exercises to reduce hip, will help you to have a spectacular body. Love you!

Video Medicine: 7-Minute Hip Sculpting Workout (May 2024).