How many times a day caress to your loved ones? This practice should be constant, since according to a study published in the journal Neuron , the benefits of caresses for our health are endless, so you have to put them into practice since we are babies.


In the investigation it is detailed that the organism has 10 million tactile sensors that collect information of the interior and exterior corporal, reason why the touch It is an instrument with great potential.

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In this way, the petting They are transmitted to the brain through the skin and nervous system at a very slow speed, which makes them pleasant and pleasurable, but what are their health benefits?

1. Reduce tensions According to the doctor Claudio Santa María, rector of the Higher Institute of Health Sciences , in Argentina, petting They have the power to take away your stress and return calmness to your body.

2. Increase happiness The contact with skin from another person stimulates the production of hormone oxytocin, responsible for happiness and well-being.

3. They provide security. Tactile signals give security and confidence. Touching activates the vagus nerve of the body that is related to the compassionate response.

4. Increase survival rates. Researchers of the University of California at Berkeley He notes that eye contact and a pat on the back prolongs the lives of patients with serious illnesses.

5. Controls blood pressure. A study of University of North Carolina He details that people who caress and hug their partner on a regular basis enjoy low blood pressure, which prevents cardiovascular diseases.

So enjoy each of the benefits of to caress to your partner or to your loved ones, since the lack of caresses generates negative effects on physical and psychological health. And you, caress your loved ones?