Cell cause

Surely you have met someone who diet, managed to lose weight and after a while ... the extra kilos returned! Known why the rebound effect occurs in the diets .

Also known as "yoyo effect", it is when a diet has been made to lose weight and when leaving it, the lost weight is recovered and even up to a few extra kilos.

A study published in Obesity followed 14 contestants of The Biggest Loser program, and concluded that 13 gained weight again; Six of them exceeded what they had to start the program.

Learn why the rebound effect occurs in diets. Courtesy: Getty Images

The researchers also discovered that those people who have had a dramatic loss of pounds have lower levels of leptin, the hormone that controls hunger. This contributes to cravings and, therefore, consume more food, which leads to gain it again.

Marlen Treviño, coach in Sports Nutrition explains why the rebound effect occurs in the diets .


Cell cause

The cells of the organism have "memory" with which they register what weight they have had for a long time and they will try to keep it stable.

When you enter a plan to lose weight, the cells are reprogrammed but only for a certain time, and then they will try to return to their normal state, so if you do not do a maintenance diet you will regain the lost kilos.

What to do?


The fact that cells have this characteristic does not mean that we are already "condemned" to return to the same weight. Knowing the biological cause puts us on alert to prepare and avoid it.

Remove the feeling of guilt or failure and prepare yourself with a nutritional plan that is not so restrictive but that allows you to maintain the new weight.

Video Medicine: Sickle Cell Anemia: A Patient's Journey (May 2024).