Horse riding shapes your figure

To ride a horse demands a job muscular very important at the level of back and abdominals , especially when going on a chair (step, gallop or sitting trot). In addition, when the foot jog is practiced, the muscles of the legs (thighs, calves, etc.) and the buttocks . So it is an excellent option, as a sport, to mold your figure.

On the other hand, in horse riding traditional, especially in dressage, there is a lot of emphasis on the maintenance of back and shoulders , as well as a good position of bust , with which you can tone up your muscles and avoid flaccidity thereof.

In terms of energy wear, it depends a lot on the type of practice that is carried out. On a walk, few are burned calories because the effort is minimal. On course with obstacles and training, work muscular intensifies and begins to be significant: between 350-600 calories per hour.

In terms of acrobatic discipline, the horse riding It also reinforces the meaning of Balance and improve the motor coordination . If practiced on a regular and long-term basis, it strengthens your Cardiorespiratory fitness .

To ride a horse It is not only good for the body, but also for the mind. To begin with, it can help you overcome fears, to better manage your problems, and to develop the self esteem . A horse can be unpredictable and you have to be focused to correctly handle all situations.

This activity, which has a very defined discipline, demands and develops solid qualities such as Righteousness and self-control . Therefore, it is an excellent option that, in addition to benefiting your figure, combats stress Y depression why does it give you relaxation .

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Video Medicine: Keeping your Horse Fit (April 2024).