1. Sleep on your side

Control your weight withdiet healthy and exercise, avoid alcoholic beverages before sleep, dine lightly and take medicines against conditions such as rhinitis, are some actions that you can implement to eliminate the snore .

The snoring They are not curable, they come from the nose, oropharynx or the base of the tongue. They are caused by a physical anomaly that needs to be identified to effectively control, says the British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association .

However, in addition to those mentioned, make changes in your Lifestyle will help you control the snoring nocturnal effectively. Here are some of them.


1. Sleep on your side

When you sleep on your back, your tongue, chin and any excess fatty tissue below it they relax and can crush your respiratory tract . Sleeping on the side avoids this problem, indicates the National Health Service (NHS) .


2. Avoid smoking

Cigarette smoke irritates the mucosa of the Nasal Cavity and the throat, causing swelling and catarrh. This in turn makes it complicated that breathe by the nose and encourages you to produce the unpleasant sounds of snoring.


3. Take a hot bath

This habit before sleep can help you keep your nostrils open, allowing the proper passage of air, says Daniel P. Slaughter , otorhinolaryngologist member of theAmerican Association of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery .


4. Change the covers

The Mites of dust, hair of your pet and other allergens accumulated in your bed, generate or increase the problem. The recommendation is that you change the covers weekly, and the pillows every six months.

The snoring have an adverse effect on the neurological and psychological function that results in poor performance at work, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, headaches, sickness and decreased libido, affirms the British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association .

Video Medicine: Proper Sleep Posture for Overall Wellness (April 2024).