Women or men?

Envy arises from the lack of desire to possess and is accompanied by feelings such as low self-esteem, anger, selfishness or the desire to be the center of attention.

Publications in The Huffington Post They refer to envy as an "unhealthy" feeling that arises when one person gets or has what another does not.


Women or men?

Worldwide. The Social Statistical Database , reveals that he feels more envious in the age range that covers from 30 to 39 years. Within the same range it was also found that women adopt this feeling more.

Social networks. A study he did Social media , indicates that envy is the emotion that can generate Facebook the most. The profiles that generate the most envy through photographs and publications of states or locations are:


  • The beautiful woman
  • The one that has great economic capacity
  • La and those who travel a lot
  • The gallant"
  • The talented

Also the dogs. Researchers of the University of Vienna , found that these animals may also feel envy when they perceive identifying or differentiating a simple behavior: their owner treats other dogs better. Dogs manifest this feeling by yawning, fatigue or some ways of drawing attention, for example scratching.

According to investigations in the Department of Economics in Madrid envy is the aversion to inequality that as a result of evolution would have two hereditary bases:

1. It is encoded in the genes
2. Result of the competition for limited resources

Antonio Cabrales , author of the research explains that there are events in the labor market that can be better understood when taking into account envy.

Video Medicine: 12 Main Differences Between Men and Women (April 2024).