10 tips to enjoy a healthy winter

The cold arrived and with it the diseases of the respiratory tract, so flu Y cold They are the order of the day. It is a fact that during the winter we are more prone to suffer from respiratory ailments, to increase weight and even suffer depressions and pictures of stress . Therefore, here we give you 10 tips to cope better this season. Practice them!

1. Maintain and reinforce the habits of hygiene: In winter, virus that cause diseases respiratory diseases circulate more frequently, so the rate of contagion increases when staying in closed and poorly ventilated environments. One of the basic recommendations to stay healthy is to wash your hands and reinforce the habits of hygiene .

In addition, the mouth should be covered when sneezing or coughing to prevent the spread of germs . Also, avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose.

2. Avoid sudden changes of temperature : Entering and leaving environments with extreme climates is harmful to health. Therefore, it should be taken into account that the temperature of the home or office should be around 22º C, and it is advisable to ventilate the rooms periodically.

3.- Be attentive to the protection of the home: Winter is the season where more fires occur at home. Therefore, family members should be taught what to do in cases of accidents domestic.

In addition, there is a risk of poisoning by carbon monoxide, due to combustion inside the home, so it is advisable not to install heaters in the bathrooms, check the exits to the outside of these, as well as the stoves.

4.- Do not neglect the sun protection: In winter, the sun's rays can burn the sun skin , that is why it is important to take care of it with some sunscreen, especially those who practice sports, outdoor activities or in places with high reflection of the sun's rays.

5.- Strengthen the care of the skin : During this time of year, the dermis fights against the effects of cold and sudden changes in temperature. To deal with these variables it is advisable to moisturize, protect and nourish it, to avoid flaking and cracking.

6.- Caring for food: In winter, the body needs more calories to face the cold, which can cause an increase in weight during the season. To avoid this situation, keep feeding times, modify the temperature of the meals with warm foods and add to the diet a variety of nuts.

7.- Increase the intake of vitamins: To combat the bad effects of winter is necessary to increase the intake of foods containing vitamins A, C and D (citrus, leafy vegetables, dairy, among others).Remember that vitamin A prevents dryness of the skin and the cracks in the lips. For its part, vitamin C helps to increase defenses and to prevent colds .

8.- Caring for the mood: The cold months represent for many people times of stress and of sadness . In fact, some people are diagnosed with the so-called Seasonal Affective Disorder .

Therefore, it is important to maintain a positive mental attitude and disposition. On the other hand, it is very helpful to rest and sleep in a pleasant environment and with temperature adequate

9.- Continue doing sport and physical activity: Practice exercise It will help to warm up and fight the cold. Therefore, it is ideal to program physical activities suitable for the time of year, in covered and well-ventilated spaces; It is also advisable to carry out a thorough and thorough preheating routine.

10.- Adapt the clothing: The most practical thing is to dress in layers (onion technique) so that you keep dry and warm. If the weather is very cold, it is advisable to wear thermal clothing.

Also, it is important to consider that babies and children should wear an extra layer of clothing than an adult

However, remember that abuse of clothes that are too close or tight prevents correct perspiration .

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