More biological years

There are numerous studies that show that the consumption of sugary drinks is directly related to acquiring heart disease , diabetes and of course obesity , but in addition to that now it is known that drink soda ages .

Sugary drinks are the cause of diseases such as diabetes and obesity. Courtesy: Gettyimages

According to a study led by Cindy Leung , researcher of the University of California-San Francisco , drink even a single soda sugary a day can make the body age prematurely, in a similar way as does the smoke .


More biological years

For the study, the group of scientists measured the length of the telometers (structures responsible for the protection of DNA ) that are at the ends of the chromosomes of 5,309 healthy people, between 20 and 65 years old, who regularly drank soft drinks and others who did not.

With all the data the researchers discovered that the telometers of people who drank an 8-ounce serving of soda , showed that their biological age He was older in 1.9 years.

The calculation made by the researchers estimates that I consume a bottle of soda 600ml adds about 4.6 years of biological aging additional to people. And although they point out that the results should be taken with caution, they keep working to get more tests.


There's still more

But the damage from drinking soda do not remain in the acceleration of aging cell phone, the first on our list, there are other ways in which the organism what you have to know

2. Ruin your teeth. The natural idea indicates that you will lose teeth with age, but being a carbonated drink with excess of sugar , damages the enamel, which can even cause you to lose them.

3. Effects on the skin. Researchers of the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) , affirm that due to its content of phosphates , the skin and the muscles they can "wither" more quickly.

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