Main signs

Anxiety is an emotional response to the stimuli that all people have, which can be internal as well as external. In the case of inmates, they are mainly related to behavior, personality, lived experiences and lifestyle. In fact, lifestyle is often one of the most common causes of anxiety and its disorders.

According to specialists from the Spanish Society for the Study of Anxiety and Stress (SEAS) , the lifestyle, in its totality or complexity, represents the main cause of anxiety, because it originates from negative stimuli that are caused by some unhealthy habits.

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Main signs

Not everyone is equally likely to develop an anxiety disorder, but there are clearly a number of risk factors that can influence (stressors), as well as various manifestations in the cognitive, physiological or bodily, and behavioral or motor systems ( Actions); however, the following signs can be considered:

1. Constant negative thoughts . Preoccupation, fear, insecurity, feeling threatened, not being able to concentrate or make decisions.

2. General feeling of disorganization or loss of control about the environment, which makes you feel absorbed by others or non-existent.

3. Physiological or bodily avoidance behaviors , related to body paralysis, hyperactivity, hypersensitivity, slow and clumsy movements, and inability to verbal communication or body expression.

4. Somatization . Cardiovascular symptoms (tachycardia, flushing, hypertension, hot flushes), gastrointestinal (nausea, diarrhea, vomiting), genitourinary (frequent urination, frigidity, impotence, incontinence), and neuromuscular (tension, tremors, fatigue, headache, dizziness).

5. Catastrophes . Disproportionate and / or unjustified reactions to stimuli or everyday environmental situations, which escape voluntary control, have an intense and recurrent nature, significantly and negatively interfere in life.

It is worth mentioning that there may be many scenarios in which anxiety disorders are triggered, almost as many as their causes, so, according to SEAS specialists, rather than making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment, it is important to know which personal characteristics make them more vulnerable a person to certain stressors.

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